The IHCA Rules Committee have been very busy. The Class Rules, IHCA standard Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions have been updated to conform to the new Racing Rules of Sailing. The IHCA Rules Committee wishes to draw to your attention two updated Racing Rules of Sailing that shall come into effect with the 2021-2024…
The boat is in the garage for the winter and its cold outside. As I reflect back on 2020, it’s been a year. COVID-19 caught us all unprepared. Our sailing was incredibly impacted as was nearly every other aspect of our lives. It’s still amazing how much the world has changed, and I suspect some…
The International Hobie Class Rules have been updated to align themselves with the updated 2021-2024 Racing Rules of Sailing. The Class Rules requirements remained unchanged. The IHCA Rules Committee wishes to draw to your attention two updated Racing Rules of Sailing that shall come into effect with the 2021-2024 RRS. 1st January 2021 RRS 50.1…
In this episode 7 of Talking Hobie the team discuss boat upgrades. During the episode Rob Jerry produced a chart explaining the most common upgrades rating the upgrades by ease and cost. Please find the file here
Talking Hobie’s Episode 7 will feature upgrades to the boats new and old. Join us in this discussion and add your questions and comments. Dec 15, 2020 07:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada) Register on the link below…/301…/WN_IzYXsrOQTNaBNRHlFcRdAQ