2019 Results

2019 High Points Standings (pdf)

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Event Registration LinkResultsPictures Link
Bluster on the BayRegister OnlineResults
Charlotte HarborRegister OnlineResultsRegatta Info
Hobie 14 NACsRegister OnlineResults in pdf
Mid-Winters East,SouthRegister onlineResults in pdf
Mid-Winters East, NorthRegister onlineResults
Gunpowder/H17 Div ChampsResults
MadCatterRegistrationResults in pdf
Spray Beach/H14 Div Champsregatta networkResults in pdf
2019 US Multihull Championship - Hobie 14Regatta NetworkResults in pdf
Rock Hall One-Design RegattaRegister onlineResults
Shore AcresRegister onlineResultsPhotos from Pete Buoy
Statue of Liberty Race, non points
Barnegat Breezer/Wave Div ChampsRegister OnlineResults
Hoopers Harbor
Lewes RegattaRegistrationResults
Sandy Hook, H16 Div Champs Registration etcResults
Hobie 16/20 North American ChampionshipsRegistration
Hobie 17/18 North American Championships
Rehoboth Bay - Fall Classic, H18 Div Champs
Hobie Worlds, MastersHobie 16 Worlds
Hobie Worlds, Grand and Great Grand Masters, Womens, YouthsHobie 16 Worlds
Hobie 16 Open QualifyingHobie 16 Worlds
Hobie 16 Open Semi-Finals, FinalsHobie 16 Worlds